First <3

I don’t know where to start nakakakaba pala ito dinaig pa yung pag harap sa crowd 😀 so Hi guys My name is Diana Liza Magahis 21 years old but too small for my age and I am Chubby my friends call me Yanie. A nursing Student ❤

This Blog is all about what i do everyday at school and at home ..been wanting to blog ever since but i just can’t maybe i’m scared that i’m not fit to do it , but since everything is changing for me, i am challenging myself to do this ,most especially to enjoy sharing myself to random people 🙂



This me i do random stuffs i cook , i do some crafts mostly DIY thing, i sing ( horrible voice 😀 ), i sew , do crazy things haha .

Excited for the upcoming blogs hope it will  be good and interesting .





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